Day of Prayer & Fasting

To Start the New Year

Sunday January 7, 2024

11:45 am - 2:30 pm

The Church is asked to begin fasting after the noon meal on Saturday, January 6.

A list of scriptures to be read and prayer items to pray over for Saturday can be found below.

Our fast will be broken at the end of our prayer time on Sunday.

Scroll down for more details

or get a pdf plan here.

Schedule for prayer time

  • Meet in the auditorium at 11:45am
  • Read scripture & pray as a community for about 30 minutes
  • At about 12:20 begin praying in rotating groups for a maximum of 1:45 hours (seven locations, being in prayer for 15 minutes at each location), with specific prayer themes being addressed at each location
  • Return to the auditorium at about 2:15pm


  • We'll eat together around 2:30 pm.
  • Note that the kids will eat earlier following worship (details below).

children's activities

  • Eat together downstairs until 12:15pm.
  • Kids' movie at about 12:30pm in the Teen Room.
  • Kids old enough will watch a movie for about 2 hours until 2:30pm.
  • Younger children will play with toys in the Nursery or Teen Room.




  • Choose a time when you have 30-60 minutes to devote to prayers and readings of Scripture.
  • Ask God to be with you in your time of reading and prayer.
  • In addition to whatever else you may do, please read: Matthew 11:28-29; Matthew 15:21-28; Mark 10:35-45; John 13:1-17; John 21:15-19
  • Specifically ask God to give our church guidance concerning our ministry visioning, priorities, planning, goal setting, strategizing, and actioning.  Ask that we might experience wisdom, motivation, unity, clarity, and effectiveness in our seeking of His will.
  • Ask God to help us identify and prioritize ministry gaps and needs in our church, training needs, resource needs, and human resource (personnel) needs so that we make good use of and move beyond the results of our time of prayer and fasting.
  • As part of your time, spend a few moments (two to five minutes) just being open, listening, quiet, still, hoping and being expectant about what God might show you and us.
  • Take a minute to record on paper, or on a device, thoughts, impressions, insights, feelings, especially concerning the direction, priorities, and actions we could or should embrace in our ministry.
  • What are things that our church should commit to prayer on Sunday afternoon?