Annual general meeting

29 January 2023 at 11:30 am

Sign in starts directly after Sunday morning worship


1. Welcome, establish a quorum, approval of the previous meeting's minutes

2. Prayer for wisdom & guidance

3. Elders' report

4. Elder nominating committee report

5. Vote for elder confirmation: Mark Langley, Steve Mann, Vivian Roberts

6. Ministers' reports

7. Deacons' & ministry leaders' reports

8. Budget for 2023 & vote

9. Results of the elder confirmation vote

10. Dismissal prayer

WE'LL MEET in person

The AGM will take place at Shelbourne St Church of Christ in the upstairs sanctuary

January 29 at 11:30 am. 

Sign in starts directly following Sunday morning worship.

We'll vote in person

Each of the votes will use a different method:

  1. Elder confirmation: Secret ballot vote
  2. 2023 Budget: Vote via a show of hands 

eLDER confirmation

Mark L., Steve M., and Vivian R. are standing for election to three-year terms


The proposed budget summary is here

Contact Donna W. if you have any questions.

Voting is open to all members (18 and over) who are present.