Annual general meeting

27 January 2019 following the worship service

special resolutions

Exact wording for the proposed bylaw amendments is available HERE


The elder nominating committee have put forward Scott J., Jordan M. and John Ryan R. to join the existing leadership. 


The proposed 2019 budget

summary is available HERE.

See Marlene M. if you have any questions.


1. Welcome, establish a quorum, approval of the previous meeting's minutes

2. Prayer for wisdom & guidance

3. Elders' report

4. Leadership discernment team report

5. Vote for new elders (secret ballot vote)

6. Vote for bylaw resolutions

7. Ministers' reports

8. Deacons' & ministry leaders' reports

9. Budget for 2019

10. Motion to accept budget & vote

11. Results of the elder vote

12. Dismissal prayer & prayer for new elders 

questions? see the elders

Voting is open to all members (18 and over) who are present.