Minutes for this meeting are now available HERE
Annual general meeting
30 January 2022 at 12 pm
Sign in starts at 11:45 am
1. Welcome, establish a quorum, approval of the previous meeting's minutes
2. Prayer for wisdom & guidance
3. Elders' report
4. Elder nominating committee report
5. Vote for elder reconfirmation: Scott J.
6. Ministers' reports
7. Deacons' & ministry leaders' reports
8. Budget for 2022 & vote
9. Results of the elder reconfirmation vote
10. Dismissal prayer
The AGM will take place via a Zoom meeting
January 30 at 12 pm. (Sign in starts 11:45 am)
Click the link HERE to join
Meeting ID: 864 3922 5305
Passcode: 180005
We'll vote online
Each of the votes will use a different method:
- Elder reconfirmation: Secret ballot vote via opavote.com. Members will be sent instructions via email beforehand.
- 2022 Budget: Vote via a show of hands.
eLDER reconfirmation
Scott J. is coming to the end of his current term and will be standing for another three years.
questions? contact the elders
Voting is open to all members (18 and over) who are present.